Hybrid Wilderness First Responder

Course Description

This course requires pre-course work.

Our WFR classes are kept small to help promote a challenging and impactful leaning environment. We believe that experiential engagement with stressful and complicated situations can hone our strengths and expose our areas of needed development. Our facilitation focuses on how best to deploy sound critical thinking, and risk management in any environment.

Our courses are held at Green Oak Ranch. Come experience the beautiful, undeveloped hills around the ranch and feel the spirit of this historic property. The 142-acre ranch was part of the original 2,288 acre “Rancho Buena Vista,” Mexican Land Grant from the early 1800s. Explore nearby beaches, mountain biking and hiking trails, or just kickback at one of the many local restaurants and breweries.

Full Course Description
Instructor: Josh Jackson
Licensed Training Company: Wilderness Leadership Institute
12/10/25 - 12/14/25
San Diego, California 92081 - United States

Room and Board

There is camping available for $25 per night or group cabins for $45 per night if you choose to stay on site (no pets allowed).

You can stay onsite starting the day before your course. Camping fees are not collected till the first day of class.

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Wilderness rescue students utilizing skills learned throughout courses.

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