Jobi Hanson
Texas, United StatesCertifications
NREMT-P, WEMTJobi began his career in pre-hospital medicine in 1989 as a combat medic for the US Army, and since then has worked in EMS in Boston, Vermont, Oregon, Colorado, Texas, and on the Navajo reservation in Arizona. He has worked in several facets of EMS and rescue, including as a professional ski patroller, a critical-care transport paramedic, a flight paramedic, a helicopter rescue specialist and a crew chief. Jobi also spent several years working as a wilderness educator, rock-climbing guide, and program director for Outward Bound with groups ranging from juvenile offenders to corporate executives. Currently he serves as a clinical educator and training captain for EMS and Fire Departments in Austin, Texas. In his spare time he rock-climbs, paddles, scuba dives, and trains for triathlons.