Our Policies and Commitments
We are proud to work for a company that is deeply committed to providing our students with high quality learning experiences. Please take a few moments to read the policies and commitments that guide us in our efforts.

Training Site Expectations
WMA International strives to create a safe and positive learning environment for all. Each person’s values and beliefs affect the entire group, and we work to ensure that everyone is treated with respect.
On course, you can expect:
- Freedom from discrimination of any kind and a learning environment free from physical, emotional, and verbal harassment.
- Quality wilderness medicine curriculum created and updated by leaders in Wilderness Medicine.
- Thoughtful, honest, and timely communication by instructors if there are concerns about your progress in a course.
- Well-trained and qualified instructors.
WMA International expects the following:
- Follow course instructions and policies as presented to you through paperwork, electronically, and by instructors, and to be responsible for your own well-being and for contributing to the well-being of the group.
- Participate to your full ability in the course.
- Meet certification requirements.
- Be inclusive and respectful of the aspects of a person’s identity as outlined in equal opportunity statement.
Issues, such as personal conflicts with fellow learners or instructors, should be addressed promptly. If an issue arises with a fellow learner and if you feel comfortable doing so it is recommended that you try working out the conflict with the other learner. If the issue persists or if you need assistance, speak with an instructor and ask them for help in resolving the conflict. Instructors are always available to assist in keeping all learners safe both physically and emotionally.
If the conflict continues or you are in conflict with one of your instructors, address the issue with another instructor or after course completion contact WMA International’s office at or 207-730-7331 to report the incident.
CAPCE Privacy Note
I understand that WMA International, as a requirement of CAPCE accreditation, will submit a record of my course completions to the CAPCE AMS. I further understand that my course completion records may be accessed by or shared with such regulators as state EMS offices, training officers, and NREMT on a password protected, need-to-know basis. In addition, I understand that I may review my record of CAPCE-accredited course completions by contacting CAPCE.
Have a question?
Let us help you find the answer you need. Our WMA International Headquarters Team is available M-F 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ET.